14 Apr – Alia Bhatt is set to make her Met Gala debut this upcoming May, making her the third Bollywood actress to do so. The actress will be working the red carpet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York on 1 May, with the designer of choice being American-Nepalese Prabal Gurung. This year, Spanish actor Penélope Cruz, actor-screenwriter Michaela Coel, Swiss tennis player Roger Federer, and singer Dua Lipa will be co-hosting with Vogue's Anna Winter, with the theme being "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty."
It is noted that Alia will be making her international debut soon through the upcoming Netflix movie, "Heart of Stone", which also stars Gal Gadot. Prior to Alia, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone were the two Bollywood stars who have graced the event, while businesswoman Isha Ambani had also attended the Met Gala twice.