15 Sep – "Brahmastra" director Ayan Mukerji is listening to all of you and is now revealing that the team is planning to do a spinoff of Shah Rukh Khan's character in the movie. The filmmaker, who invited the Bollywood superstar to make a special appearance as scientist Mohan Bharghav - the guardian and wielder of the Vanarastra, stated that they were also in love with the character, not just the audience, who expressed excitement about it. Said Ayan, "Before the fans were saying it, we were also saying that ourselves. When we were shooting the sequence in 2019, we were also saying on sets. As we discovered the personality of the scientist, we said, 'Yaar, we have to do stuff. We have to do the origins story of the scientist!'"
"We were also vibing on that frequency, my assistants and I. So, I guess my response to the spin-off demand is that: We are already thinking about it. We are hearing everything and are planning our next moves," he added. "Brahmastra: Part 1- Shiva", which is currently in theatres, stars Ranbir Kapoor in the lead alongside Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan and many others. The film is set to have a sequel, called "Brahmastra: Part Two - Dev", with the plan to establish a multiverse called Astraverse.