27 Oct – Famed Japanese comedic actor and filmmaker, Takeshi Kitano turns to young filmmakers at a special talk held at the Tokyo International Film Festival to advise them on the future of films. Recalling his modest past working in restaurants and working in bath houses before he finally broke through with his comedic act, Kitano advises new filmmakers to not attach oneself to major production studios in Japan. "Prove that you have the talent to make movies. It is easy in this age, as many can now create films with a low budget using digital cameras." The recipient of the Samurai Award had also expressed his dissatisfaction over how in Japan, the production companies work closely with cinemas thus leaving new yet deserving talents behind when it comes to seeking an avenue to screen their work. "For the Academy Awards in Japan, the best films that are nominated are always from the same companies." He also called out production companies who rarely invest in new screenwriters, opting instead to adapt popular manga and Japanese literature for the big screen. "There is a shortage where independent screenwriters are concerned in the commercial film industry. I hope this trend will soon change." The Tokyo International Film Festival will run until 31 October 2014 in Tokyo. American filmmaker Tim Burton is also the recipient of this year's Samurai Award and is expected to attend the festival this week.