27 Aug – Despite the challenging situation she has to face due to her husband Raj Kundra's racketeering case, Shilpa Shetty keeps on going by continuing with her showbiz work. On 26 August, the actress expressed her thoughts about not taking a time off amid the scandal by posting an excerpt from a book that read, "We can't push the 'pause' button on our lives. Every day counts, whether we're doing our best or our worst." "Even if we could call a time out when life becomes stressful, would we really want to? Our life's clock keeps ticking no matter what. The only thing we truly have is time. Better to live every moment than to lose that time forever. As much as I may want to call a time out in my life, I will live every moment as fully as I can." She captioned it, "Liv every moment!"
It is noted that Shilpa recently returned as one of the judges on the dance reality show, "Super Dancer 4" after a very short hiatus following Raj's pornography racketeering case. Back when the news broke about the said scandal, the actress took to social media to plead the public not to boycott her Disney+ project, "Hungama 2", which was streaming at the time.