7 Mar – Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is set to host the upcoming 71st Miss World Festival. The news was announced by the organisation on 5 March, stating, "We are honored to announce that Karan Johar, a renowned Indian filmmaker, will host the 71st Miss World Festival. He has been the recipient of a lot of film awards, including two National Film Awards. He has also been honoured with the Padma Shri by the Government of India." Karan will be accompanied by Filipina beauty queen Megan Young, who won Miss World in 2013.
The 71st Miss World will be crowned on 9 March at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. This is the first time that the competition returns to India, 28 years since it was last held in the country. This year, India is represented by Mumbai-born Sini Shetty. Meanwhile, Malaysia is represented by Sabahan beauty Wenanita Angang, Indonesia by Manado-born Audrey Vanessa Susilo, and Singapore by Oh Wei Qi. The Philippines, who last won in 2013, will be represented by Gwendolyne Fourniol.